Hi. I’m Elva. An Art Director with social communication background, who likes to create meaningful advertising.
Nike: The Freshest AF1 sneaker
Integrated campaign for an innovation product. Awared piece.
Netflix: Watch what you eat
Integrated campaign to motivate people to watch international series/films. New work in competition.
Three Brothers Coffee: The Instagrammable Wait
Integrated campaign for COVID times. Awared piece.
Spotify: Your sound story
Integrated campaign for audiobooks. New work in competition.
The Case of Her: Her Forecasting
Integrated campaign for climate change and woman vulnerability. Awared piece.
21 Grams: Mindfulness Space
Integrated campaign for caregivers mental health. New work in competition.
Burger King: Scaringly Natural
Integrated campaing for Holloween celebration. Still in revision. I have the permission to use it at my portfolio.
GIZ: German Cooperation in Bolivia
More than 10 years work experience for international firma.
Natural Test: Spec Product
Ficticius product that must and can be real for HPV prevention. Awared piece.